Heights in Diophantine Geometry (New Mathematical Monographs)


Enrico Bombieri, Walter Gubler

en | Cambridge University Press

Heights in Diophantine Geometry (New Mathematical Monographs)
by: Enrico Bombieri, Walter Gubler,

* Publisher: Cambridge University Press
* Number Of Pages: 668
* Publication Date: 2006-02-20
* Sales Rank: 846908
* ISBN / ASIN: 0521846153
* EAN: 9780521846158
* Binding: Hardcover
* Manufacturer: Cambridge University Press
* Studio: Cambridge University Press
* Average Rating:
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Book Description:

Diophantine geometry has been studied by number theorists for thousands of years, since the time of Pythagoras, and has continued to be a rich area of ideas such as Fermat's Last Theorem, and most recently the ABC conjecture. This monograph is a bridge between the classical theory and modern approach via arithmetic geometry. The authors provide a clear path through the subject for graduate students and researchers. They have re-examined many results and much of the literature, and provide a thorough account of several topics at a level not seen before in book form. The treatment is largely self-contained, with proofs given in full detail.

Download Description:

Diophantine geometry has been studied by number theorists for thousands of years, since the time of Pythagoras, and has continued to be a rich area of ideas such as Fermat's Last Theorem, and most recently the ABC conjecture. This monograph is a bridge between the classical theory and modern approach via arithmetic geometry. The authors provide a clear path through the subject for graduate students and researchers. They have re-examined many results and much of the literature, and give a thorough account of several topics at a level not seen before in book form. The treatment is largely self-contained, with proofs given in full detail. Many results appear here for the first time. The book concludes with a comprehensive bibliography. It is destined to be a definitive reference on modern diophantine geometry, bringing a new standard of rigor and elegance to the field.

http://ifile.it/uqh6k7s/Heights_in_Diophantine_geometry__Bombieri__Gubler___NMM_4_.rar pass:twilightzone

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