Dr. Math Introduces Geometry: Learning Geometry is Easy! Just ask Dr. Math!
By The Math Forum Drexel University, Jessica Wolk-Stanley
* Publisher: Jossey-Bass
* Number Of Pages: 192
* Publication Date: 2004-08-31
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0471225541
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780471225546
Product Description:
Kids most frequent geometry questions answered by expert math teachers
This easy-to-follow resource is a must for any student who has questions about geometry basics. With an entertaining tone and lots of illustrations, the experts at the Math Forum help students gain the knowledge they'll need to tackle the topics in a beginning geometry curriculum, from definitions of two- and three-dimensional figures to the Pythagorean theorem and finding the volume of a cylinder. The Math Doctors also provide clear explanations, real-world examples, and helpful tips for solving the problems beginning geometry students find most challenging.
The Math Forum at Drexel University (Philadelphia, PA) is an award-winning Web site and the most popular online math resource for parents, teachers, and students in elementary and secondary math courses. Previous books in this series include Dr. Math Gets You Ready for Algebra (0-471-22556-8) and Dr. Math Explains Algebra (0-471-22555-X).
Summary: very informal pedagogy
Rating: 4
Drexel University has been putting out a series of Dr Math books, with this being one of the latest. It has that trademark cheerful, breezy style that is meant to engage a recalcitrant primary school student. Or perhaps even a high school student. Though the material seems rather basic for high school.
Students who are already into maths won't need a book like this. But the forced informality and cartoony aspect is thought to be more likely to attract students with little interest or ability in maths.
The material here is Euclidean geometry, in 2 and 3 dimensions. Needless to say, the level of rigour in the proofs in minimal. But enough is given to provide a logical framework.