Just In Time Geometry (Just in Time Series)

Just In Time Geometry (Just in Time Series)
By LearningExpress Editors

* Publisher: LearningExpress, LLC
* Number Of Pages: 384
* Publication Date: 2004-01-25
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1576855147
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781576855140

Product Description:

Readers now have the perfect tool for when there’s no time to read a lengthy textbook : the quick and accurate lessons and focused practice exercises in Just in Time Geometry. In ten streamlined chapters, this book teaches the fundamentals of geometry that are essential for a solid score on any standardized test, from high school to adult level.

Summary: Exceptionally clear and relevant. Thank YOU,just in time!
Rating: 5

This looks like the work of a talented and experienced pedagogue, with a tremenduously organized mind.

Crystal clear short introductory explanations, proper sequence of approaching different geometry chapters,relevant exercises,in short a geometry bible for a student and a welcome refresher for anybody.

I am an enginner, and I always loved geometry , but I found myself at loss of words when to explain my grade-8 kid parts of it.
But this is the life-saving book that makes geometry very, very easy to understand. It had a huge positive impact on my kid's geometry knowledge.I cannot believe my luck in finding it.

I would recommend it to any school as grade 7 & 8 textbook.
Thank you.


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