Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering and Computer Science (Prentice Hall Series in Automatic Computation)

Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering and Computer Science (Prentice Hall Series in Automatic Computation)
By Narsingh Deo

* Publisher: Prentice Hall
* Number Of Pages: 480
* Publication Date: 1974-05
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0133634736
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780133634730
* Binding: Hardcover

Summary: Clear, a pleasure to read for a beginner
Rating: 5

The writing is excellent. I got an introduction to graph theory from Mark Allen Weiss' "Data structures and algorithm analysis in C++". That was a very good start and led me to think I could use graph theory to solve a problem. When I needed to probe deeper I found this book in Weiss' bibliography. I read the first few chapters and felt comfortable enough to go out on the internet and find a PhD thesis that applied directly to my problem.

Summary: Clearly built up, and straightforward
Rating: 5

I was using this book as the first book for a Graph theory course and have choosen this from about 10 (pre-selected) books. It is interesting as it opens up new areas by solving interesting problems. I am not a professional in Graph Theory as i am doing Computer Science but i haven't found better introductory book so far.

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