Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering and Computer Science (Prentice Hall Series in Automatic Computation)
By Narsingh Deo
* Publisher: Prentice Hall
* Number Of Pages: 480
* Publication Date: 1974-05
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0133634736
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780133634730
* Binding: Hardcover
Summary: Clear, a pleasure to read for a beginner
Rating: 5
The writing is excellent. I got an introduction to graph theory from Mark Allen Weiss' "Data structures and algorithm analysis in C++". That was a very good start and led me to think I could use graph theory to solve a problem. When I needed to probe deeper I found this book in Weiss' bibliography. I read the first few chapters and felt comfortable enough to go out on the internet and find a PhD thesis that applied directly to my problem.
Summary: Clearly built up, and straightforward
Rating: 5
I was using this book as the first book for a Graph theory course and have choosen this from about 10 (pre-selected) books. It is interesting as it opens up new areas by solving interesting problems. I am not a professional in Graph Theory as i am doing Computer Science but i haven't found better introductory book so far.
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