The Unknowable (Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science)


Gregory J. Chaitin

en | Springer

The Unknowable (Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science)
By Gregory J. Chaitin

* Publisher: Springer
* Number Of Pages: 122
* Publication Date: 1999-08-05
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 9814021725
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9789814021722

Product Description:

This essential companion volume to Chaitin's highly successful "The Limits of Mathematics", also published by Springer, gives a brilliant historical survey of the work of this century on the foundations of mathematics, in which the author was a major participant. The Unknowable is a very readable and concrete introduction to Chaitin's ideas, and it includes a detailed explanation of the programming language used by Chaitin in both volumes. It will enable computer users to interact with the author's proofs and discover for themselves how they work. The software for The Unknowable can be downloaded from the author's Web site.

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