Combinatorial Group Theory (Classics in Mathematics)

Combinatorial Group Theory (Classics in Mathematics)
By Roger C. Lyndon, Paul E. Schupp

* Publisher: Springer
* Number Of Pages: 339
* Publication Date: 2001-03-01
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 3540411585
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9783540411581
* Binding: Paperback

Product Description:

Advanced textbook outlining combinatorial group theory, with emphasis on connections with topology, logic, and arguments of a primitive geometric nature. Also briefly mentions a number of topics not belonging to combinatorial group theory, such as groups acting on trees and linear groups. Softcover.

Summary: A reprint at last!
Rating: 5

A text truly deserving the designation "classic"; bravo to Springer for reprinting this book! This seminal text provides a clear exposition of the topic, along with numerous jumping-off points for exploring interesting outgrowths and tangents. A must-have text for anyone interested in the subject.

Summary: Great book
Rating: 5

A "must read" for everybody who is interested in combinatorial aspects of algebra. You can read whole book or some chapters (free groups, free constructions, diagrams, 1-relator, ...). I don't think it's for absolute beginners, but if you want, you understand it. It would be great if this book were reprinted with some complements (which could be written by Ol'shanskii, Gersten, Sapir, Shupp, Stallings, Guba, S.Ivanov, Baumslag, Lysyonok ...)

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