Geometry Success in 20 Minutes a Day, 2nd Edition (Skill Builders)

Geometry Success in 20 Minutes a Day, 2nd Edition (Skill Builders)
By LearningExpress Editors

* Publisher: LearningExpress, LLC
* Number Of Pages: 208
* Publication Date: 2005-09-25
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1576855260
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781576855263

Product Description:

A good knowledge of geometry is essential to success on many standardized tests and applicable to a wide range of careers. Geometry Success in 20 Minutes a Day provides a thorough course in geometry skills that can be fit into any busy schedule. The book features:

• Hundreds of practice questions
• Preparation in vital geometry skills including the Pythagorean Theorem, ratio, proportion, and similarity, coordinate geometry, volume, and more
• A pre-test, post-test, glossary, and appendix of further resources

Summary: Great for GED prep, but not enough for SAT prep
Rating: 5

Can you explain the difference between a ray and a line segment? What's the formula for calculating the volume of a pyramid? Does the phrase "distance = the square root of the square root of X2 - X1 plus the square root of Y2 - Y1" mean anything to you? If not, you need this book - NOW. Here's why...

This book teaches you not only the theorems of geometry, but also its vocabulary. The 20 lessons are presented in a logical order, building on each concept in a sequential way. The lessons really only take about 20 minutes to complete and they are structured to give you enough chance to practice each concept so that you get it without getting bored.

When it comes to SAT prep, however, it falls short and here's why...

SAT problems are complex, involving at least two geometrical theorems to solve one problem. This book does an excellent job of presenting the theorems one at a time so that you can practice them, but it never gives you the opportunity to practice multiple theorems at once. For example, a typical question on the SAT might show a figure of a circle with a square overlapping part of it. You are told that the perimeter of the square is 24. The question asks you to give the area of the circle. Where do you begin to answer a question like this? To solve it you must first find the radius by finding the length of each side of the square. To do that, you must know the basic theorem that the perimeter of a square is 4x the length of each side (p=4s), then you have to solve for the unknown length of each side of the square, thus giving the radius of the circle. From there you must use the radius to find the circumference to solve for the area... you get the idea.

If you couldn't answer the questions at the beginning of my review, PLEASE get this book to use as a solid starting point for your geometry studies, but you'll do yourself a disservice if you rely on it as your only learning tool.

Bottom line: this book is hands-down the best tool for gaining a solid learning of the basics of Euclidian geometry. Completing the lessons in this book will give you a foundation solid enough to pass your a G.E.D., but this book alone won't prepare you enough for the SAT.

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