Combinatorics and Graph Theory (as per U.P.T.U. Syllabus)
by: Vasudev, C.
* Combinatorics and Graph Theory (as per U.P.T.U. Syllabus)
* Vasudev, C. , Assistant Professor, Deptt. of Mathematics, Kammavari Sangham Instt. of Tech., Bangalore, Karnataka.
* ISBN : 978-81-224-2123-1
* Publication Year : June, 2007
* Edition : 1st
* Pages : 576
About the Book:
This text has been carefully designed for flexible use for First Semester M.C.A. course of Uttar Pradesh Technical University (U.P.T.U.), and it contains the following features:
* Precise mathematical language is used without excessive formalism and abstraction.
* Over 900 exercises (problem sets) in the text with many different types of questions posed.
* Care has been taken to balance the mix of notation and words in mathematical statements.
* Problem sets (exercises) are stated clearly and unambiguously and all are carefully graded for various levels of difficulty.
Mathematics is like the ocean rough, boisterous and fearful on the surface, but having precious pearls and gems of the purest ray of the bottom.``
-Swami Ram Tirth
``The universe is a grand book that cannot be understood unless one first learns to comphrehend the language and read the letters in which it is composed. It is written in the language of mathematics.``
About the Author:
C. Vasudev is working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics, K.S. Institute of Technology (Kammavari Sangham), Bangalore. He has been teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses in mathematics. He has a profound interest in writing textbooks and has good teaching record over the years. He has already authored over a dozen books and many more are yet to come. Clarity and an illustrative quality are the highlights of his books that have evoked enthusiastic response from the readers.
* Counting Principles and Generating Functions
* Recurrence Relations
* Graphs and Trees
* Cutsets, Network Flows and Planar Graphs
* Coloring, Digraphs and Enumeration.