Optimization in Medicine and Biology (Engineering Management Innovation)
By Gino J. Lim, Eva K. Lee
* Publisher: AUERBACH
* Number Of Pages: 592
* Publication Date: 2008-01-08
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0849305632
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780849305634
* Binding: Hardcover
Book Description:
Integrating strong foundational theory, good modeling techniques, efficient algorithms, and relevant applications, this comprehensive, single-source reference highlights the most recent advances in optimization techniques for solving very complex problems in medical and biological research. It discusses mathematical programming techniques for medical decision making processes and applies them to pediatric vaccine formularies, cancer treatment planning models, and the cost-effectiveness of HIV programs. The second part focuses on optimization in biology and discusses computational algorithms for genomic analysis; probe design and selection; and various algorithms and software packages to aid in probe selection and design. The appendix provides a short tutorial on Integer Programming (IP).
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