Number Theory 1: Fermat's Dream (Translations of Mathematical Monographs)
By Kazuya Kato, Nobushige Kurokawa, Takeshi Saito
* Publisher: American Mathematical Society
* Number Of Pages: 154
* Publication Date: 2000-01-01
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 082180863X
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780821808634
* Binding: Paperback
Book Description:
This is the English translation of the original Japanese book. In this volume, "Fermat's Dream", core theories in modern number theory are introduced. Developments are given in elliptic curves, $p$-adic numbers, the $\zeta$-function, and the number fields. This work presents an elegant perspective on the wonder of numbers. Number Theory 2 on class field theory, and Number Theory 3 on Iwasawa theory and the theory of modular forms, are forthcoming in the series.