Teaching Secondary School Mathematics: Research and Practice for the 21st Century

Teaching Secondary School Mathematics: Research and Practice for the 21st Century
By Merrilyn Goos, Gloria Stillman, Colleen Vale

* Publisher: Allen & Unwin Academic
* Number Of Pages: 496
* Publication Date: 2008-04-01
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1741146518
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781741146516

Product Description:

A research-based introduction to the professional knowledge, attributes, and practices needed to be an excellent instructor, this heavily illustrated resource reviews the cores of secondary mathematics. The research contained within discusses the challenges that many secondary mathematics teachers face today, and well-tested classroom examples show how teachers can build on their experiences to ensure students develop concepts and skills in mathematical thinking as well as a positive attitude toward the study. Both math and education professors and secondary school teachers will benefit from the curricula, methods of assessments, and pedagogical studies offered in this informative reference

Figures and tables vii
Acknowledgments xii
About the authors xiii
Part I: Introduction 1

* 1 Doing, teaching and learning mathematics 3
* Part II: Mathematics pedagogy, curriculum and assessment 19
* 2 Developing mathematical understanding 21
* 3 Developing mathematical connections 46
* 4 Effective use of technologies in mathematics education 74
* 5 Mathematics curriculum models 102
* 6 Assessing mathematics learning 127

Part III: Teaching and learning mathematical content 157

* 7 Teaching and learning number 159
* 8 Teaching and learning measurement 187
* 9 Teaching and learning geometry and spatial concepts 200
* 10 Teaching and learning algebra 230
* 11 Teaching and learning chance and data 255
* 12 Teaching and learning calculus 282

Part IV: Equity and diversity in mathematics education 317

* 13 Gender issues in mathematics learning 319
* 14 Social and cultural issues in mathematics learning 338
* 15 Teaching students with diverse learning needs 361.


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