SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis ~ Volume 47, Issue 2, 2008-2009 pp. 805-1600

SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis ~ Volume 47, Issue 2, 2008-2009 pp. 805-1600

Higher-Order Finite Element Methods and Pointwise Error Estimates for Elliptic Problems on Surfaces

Alan Demlow

pp. 805-827

Convergence Analysis of Projection Methods for the Numerical Solution of Large Lyapunov Equations

V. Simoncini and V. Druskin

pp. 828-843

Can the Nonlocal Characterization of Sobolev Spaces by Bourgain et al. Be Useful for Solving Variational Problems?

Gilles Aubert and Pierre Kornprobst

pp. 844-860

A Goal-Oriented Adaptive Finite Element Method with Convergence Rates

Mario S. Mommer and Rob Stevenson

pp. 861-886

Practical Variance Reduction via Regression for Simulating Diffusions

G. N. Milstein and M. V. Tretyakov

pp. 887-910

A Domain Decomposition Method for Computing Bivariate Spline Fits of Scattered Data

Ming-Jun Lai and Larry L. Schumaker

pp. 911-928

Coupled Generalized Nonlinear Stokes Flow with Flow through a Porous Medium

V. J. Ervin, E. W. Jenkins, and S. Sun

pp. 929-952

On Optimal Convergence Rate of the Rational Krylov Subspace Reduction for Electromagnetic Problems in Unbounded Domains

Leonid Knizhnerman, Vladimir Druskin, and Mikhail Zaslavsky

pp. 953-971

Hardy Space Infinite Elements for Scattering and Resonance Problems

Thorsten Hohage and Lothar Nannen

pp. 972-996

Accelerated Line-search and Trust-region Methods

P.-A. Absil and K. A. Gallivan

pp. 997-1018

On Preconditioned Iterative Methods for Certain Time-Dependent Partial Differential Equations

Zhong-Zhi Bai, Yu-Mei Huang, and Michael K. Ng

pp. 1019-1037

Convergence Analysis of a Discontinuous Galerkin Method with Plane Waves and Lagrange Multipliers for the Solution of Helmholtz Problems

Mohamed Amara, Rabia Djellouli, and Charbel Farhat

pp. 1038-1066

A Convergent Adaptive Method for Elliptic Eigenvalue Problems

S. Giani and I. G. Graham

pp. 1067-1091

The Derivation of Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Stokes Flow

Bernardo Cockburn and Jayadeep Gopalakrishnan

pp. 1092-1125

Numerical Analysis of a Finite Element/Volume Penalty Method

Bertrand Maury

pp. 1126-1148

Modified Combined Field Integral Equations for Electromagnetic Scattering

O. Steinbach and M. Windisch

pp. 1149-1167

A Fast Method for Linear Waves Based on Geometrical Optics

Christiaan C. Stolk

pp. 1168-1194

Stable and Compatible Polynomial Extensions in Three Dimensions and Applications to the $p$ and $h$-$p$ Finite Element Method

Benqi Guo and Jianming Zhang

pp. 1195-1225

Mixed Finite Element Methods for the Fully Nonlinear Monge–Ampère Equation Based on the Vanishing Moment Method

Xiaobing Feng and Michael Neilan

pp. 1226-1250

Nonsmooth Newton Methods for Set-Valued Saddle Point Problems

Carsten Gräser and Ralf Kornhuber

pp. 1251-1273

The Local $L^2$ Projected $C^0$ Finite Element Method for Maxwell Problem

Huo-Yuan Duan, Feng Jia, Ping Lin, and Roger C. E. Tan

pp. 1274-1303

On the Existence of Explicit $hp$-Finite Element Methods Using Gauss–Lobatto Integration on the Triangle

B. T. Helenbrook

pp. 1304-1318

Unified Hybridization of Discontinuous Galerkin, Mixed, and Continuous Galerkin Methods for Second Order Elliptic Problems

Bernardo Cockburn, Jayadeep Gopalakrishnan, and Raytcho Lazarov

pp. 1319-1365

Numerical Dispersive Schemes for the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation

Liviu I. Ignat and Enrique Zuazua

pp. 1366-1390

Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Problems

Blanca Ayuso and L. Donatella Marini

pp. 1391-1420

On Mesh Geometry and Stiffness Matrix Conditioning for General Finite Element Spaces

Qiang Du, Desheng Wang, and Liyong Zhu

pp. 1421-1444

Dynamical Systems and Non-Hermitian Iterative Eigensolvers

Mark Embree and Richard B. Lehoucq

pp. 1445-1473

A New Fictitious Domain Approach Inspired by the Extended Finite Element Method

Jaroslav Haslinger and Yves Renard

pp. 1474-1499

A Saddle Point Approach to the Computation of Harmonic Maps

Qiya Hu, Xue-Cheng Tai, and Ragnar Winther

pp. 1500-1523

First-Order System Least-Squares Methods for an Optimal Control Problem by the Stokes Flow

Soorok Ryu, Hyung-Chun Lee, and Sang Dong Kim

pp. 1524-1545

Estimating Multidimensional Density Functions Using the Malliavin–Thalmaier Formula

A. Kohatsu-Higa and Kazuhiro Yasuda

pp. 1546-1575

A Three-Level BDDC Algorithm for Mortar Discretizations

Hyea Hyun Kim and Xuemin Tu

pp. 1576-1600

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