Romanian Mathematical Competitions 1996-2008

Romanian Mathematical Competitions 1996-2008

The preface from first book (1996):

"Mathematical competitions have a long tradition in Romania. The
first mathematical contest was held in 1898, when the Ministry of Public
Education organized a national contest for the secondary schools, a part of
which was an examination in mathematics.
In 1902 was held the first competition in mathematics by the journal
"Gazeta Maternatica" ( founded in 1895). Since 1904, this competition was
organized annualy, except for the years of the first world war and the years
1930-1932, because of an unsuccessful reform of the educational system.
The name of the competition was "The Annual Contest Gazeta Matematica",
and the competitors were selected from the correspondents of the journal.
"The Annual Contest Gazeta Matematica" was scientifically supported by
well known mathematicians like Traian Laiescu, Gheorghe Titeica, Dan
Barbilian, Octav Onicescu, etc.
In 1950 the first National Mathematical Olympiad was organized by
the Ministry of Education and the Romanian Society for Mathematical
Sciences. The olympiads were held each year, becoming a very popular
competition in all schools in the country. These olympiads are organized for
each grade, in four rounds: schooll leves, city level, region level and national
level. This year was held the 47-th olympiad in which approximately
100000 students participated. The final round was organized in Buzau with
the 650 students that passed the regional round. One thing that distinguish
the Romanian Olympiad is the fact that the problem are proposed
acccordingly to the grade of the students and school curriculum. The contest
problems are selected by a committee from a set of problems proposed by
teachers all around the country. The problems must be original ones and
have to respect the curriculum. The olympiad rules are similar to those of the
IMO. The problems proposed in the regional and country levels between
1950-1990 were published under the coordination of prof. Ion Tomescu. The
problems of each olympiad were published in "Gazeta Matematica".
The Romanian Society for Mathematical Society initiated in 1959
the first lntemational Mathematical Olympiad in which eight of the ex-
communist countries were invited. The existence of the international
olympiads led to the developement of national competitions, problem
proposers and contestants being stimulated. Ever since the scientific level of
the olympiads raised every year. Furthermore, it had a favorable influence in
mathematical teaching.
In this small book we present the problems proposed in the final
round of the national Olympiad, problems used in the four selection tests as
well as the problems proposed in the Balkan Mathematic Olympiad" etc.

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