The many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics (Princeton series in physics)

The many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics (Princeton series in physics)
By Bryce S DeWitt, Neill Graham

* Publisher: Princeton University Press
* Number Of Pages: 252
* Publication Date: 1973
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0691081263
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780691081267
* Binding: Unknown Binding

Summary: The Multiverse is not just Sci-Fi anymore.
Rating: 5

As far as i know, this is the first book to propose that a Multiverse could exist in reality. Before this work, the Multiverse was only spoken about in science-fiction books without any real basis in science facts. This book is a collection of the acticles about the "theory of the universal wave function" by Everett, Wheeler, DeWitt, etc.

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