From Euclid to Eddington: a Study of Conceptions of the External World


Sir Edmund Whittaker

en | Dover, 1958

From Euclid to Eddington: a Study of Conceptions of the External World
By Sir Edmund Whittaker

* Publisher: Dover
* Number Of Pages: ix + 212
* Publication Date: 1958-01-01
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: B001QAI3IY
* ISBN-13 / EAN:

from the Preface:

This book represents the substance of the Tarner Lectures of
1947, in which I attempted to trace the development of theories
in natural philosophy from the rediscovery of Euclid by Western
scholars to the prescnt time. The lectures were not intended to
be a summary of present-day knowledge in physics, nor yet a
chronicle of particular discoveries, but rather a history of the
evolution of concepts and principles, especially such as have
provoked long controversies, in some cases still unsettled. I have
tried to disengage the essential ideas from the intricacy of the
mathematical presentation. pass:gigapedia

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