Educating Teachers of Science, Mathematics, and Technology (New Practices for the New Millennium)

Educating Teachers of Science, Mathematics, and Technology (New Practices for the New Millennium)
By: National Research Council , Committee on Science, Mathematics Teacher Preparation
ISBN: 0309070333

ISBN-13: 9780309070331
Publisher: National Academies Press - 2000-12-15
Paperback | 1ST Edition | 100 Pages

This study describes current deficiencies in teacher education and the teaching profession, matched with recommendations for improvement at every level. Issues of professionalism are highlighted, with attention to alternative models for teacher education and offering detailed explorations of innovations and exemplary practices. Appendixes discuss standards for teacher development and professional conduct, examples of professional development programs, partnerships between institutions of higher education and local school districts, and a glossary of education terms.

Table of Contents:

Foreword ix Preface xiii Dedication xvii Acknowledgments xix Executive Summary 1 Current Problems and Issues in Teacher Education and the Teaching Profession 1 The Evidence That High-Quality Teaching Matters 4 Teacher Education as a Professional Continuum 4 Vision and Recommendations 6 General Recommendations 10 Specific Recommendations 10 1 Introduction and Context 15 The Reform Movement in Education: Current Challenges 16 Roadblocks to Changes in Teacher Education 22 Increasing Expectations for Teaching and Learning 24 Origins of the Study 27 2 The Continuum of Teacher Education in Science, Mathematics, and Technology: Problems and Issues 30 Teacher Education Issues 31 The Teaching Profession 35 3 The Critical Importance of Well-Prepared Teachers for Student Learning and Achievement 44 The Evidence That High-Quality Teaching Matters 45 Teacher Quality and General Student Achievement: Three Studies 47 Teacher Quality and Student Achievement in Science and Mathematics 49 The Importance of Teacher Certification 49 Data from National and International Tests 52 Content Preparation Is Critical for High-Quality Teaching in Science and Mathematics 55 The Nature and Importance of Content Knowledge in the Education of Teachers of Science and Mathematics 59 4 Recommendations from the Profession and the Disciplines 66 5 Teacher Education As a Professional Continuum 72 Systemic Approaches to Improving Teacher Education 74 Some Exemplary Approaches to Teacher Education 75 The Effectiveness of PDS and Similar Collaborative Efforts in Improving Student Learning 77 Educating Elementary School Teachers in the Teaching of Science and Mathematics: Special Considerations 79 6 A Vision for Improving Teacher Education and the Teaching Profession 85 Teacher Education in the 21st Century 87 Articulation of the Vision 88 Articulation of the Committee's Vision for Teacher Education 91 Institutional Leadership and Commitment 93 Changing Roles for Schools, Districts, and Higher Education in Teacher Education 96 Other Benefits of Partnerships for Teacher Education in Science and Mathematics 99 Financial Support for Partnerships for Teacher Education 104 Potential Obstacles to Sustaining an Effective Partnership for Teacher Education 105 7 Recommendations 109 General Recommendations 109 Recommendations for Governments 110 Recommendations for Collaboration Between Institutions of Higher Education and the K-12 Community 116 Recommendations for the Higher Education Community 118 Recommendations for the K-12 Community 124 Recommendations for Professional and Disciplinary Organizations 128 References 131 Appendixes A Standards for Teacher Development and Professional Conduct 143 B Overview of Content Standards from the National Science Education Standards and the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics 148 C Overview of Teaching Standards from the National Science Education Standards and the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics 154 D Examples of Local and Statewide Programs That Provide Ongoing Professional Development Opportunities to Beginning and Experienced Teachers 159 E Examples of Formal and Informal Partnerships Between Institutions of Higher Education and School Districts to Improve Teacher Education 164 F Biographical Sketches of Committee Members 177 Glossary of Education Terms 185 Index 193

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